Portfolio Categories: JavaScript

Open Source DataTables Styling

JAVASCRIPT / OFFICE OPEN XML Open Source Excel Styling Plugin for DataTables Create a plugin for DataTables to simplify automatic styling of Excel exports using JavaScript on the client Released on GitHub and NPM

Jessica Jones Photography

PHP / MYSQL / JAVASCRIPT Jessica Jones Photography Develop a fast responsive client image gallery to host thousands of images for wedding customers Add custom image labelling and filtering to simplify selection of images Develop an app to download the images to the device for online and offline viewing


PHP / MYSQL / JAVASCRIPT / WORDPRESS / RTL International Travel Network Develop Hebrew RTL site with English host information Admin management of hosts developed Dynamic Google Maps integration with address obfuscation

Curious Cove

PHP / MYSQL / JAVASCRIPT / WORDPRESS Curious Cove Camp Management Camp website, booking and management system Back-end design and development – created as a WordPress Plugin for ease of management by the client